Steering Committee

In spring 2019, the group decided to put into place a ‘SUSTAIN Steering Committee’. The aim is to have this Steering Committee in place by the end of summer 2019. The intention is that for it to be made up of three SUSTAIN members who would serve a three – four month term.

  • Any interested member can indicate interest and provide a speech to the group that indicates their capacity to take on the role, the commitment to SUSTAIN and the work of the Steering Committee.
  • Successful candidates would have the confidence of the group and be voted in by the group (see above for voting information).
  • Each member should have a back-up member (also voted in) in case of emergencies, leaves of absences, etc.
  • It is suggested that this takes place at a special meeting with notices sent to everyone involved in SUSTAIN.

Steering Committee Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Discuss issues / challenges / ideas and bring solutions to the larger group
  • Debrief and support Coordinator, as needed
  • Guideline Accountability Decisions and Mediation for conflict
  • Be the SUSTAIN Peer Representatives/ Contacts for SUSTAIN (e.g. attend all CAT meetings, attend local Harm Reduction Committee meeting, attend community events as a SUSTAIN Rep, be a contact for questions, concerns, media inquiries)
  •  Mobilize other SUSTAIN members to attend community-based events, groups
  • Steering Committee meetings could be open to anyone but only SC members would discuss the issues at hand.
  • Other duties, as discussed and decided on by the SUSTAIN membership