Harm Reduction Working Group
is a combined effor of over 20 individuals that are working together to plan, strategize, and implement harm reduction programming in Tla’amin.
Peer Outreach Workers
Two peers from SUSTAIN are working in Tla’amin as outreach workers. They deliver harm reduction supplies and naloxone to members and have been steadily getting more calls!
Tla’amin SUSTAIN Chapter
We are working towards establishing a chapter in Tla’amin with regular meetings.
K’a-pet (Calm)
A’ji-met (safe place)

We are pursuing development, in Tla’amin terms, of “a safe community for all membership”.
These Tla’amin words are relative to us being
“water people/people of the water” when waters get rough….make way to a “calm safe place”
We relate rough waters in today’s world as battling addiction in a poisoned drug epidemic.
Harm Reduction Working Group
The Tla’amin Harm Reduction Working Group (THRWG) is a solution-oriented, community driven committee that addresses social issues with a community development approach. Members are invited based on the skills and knowledge they bring to the table, in addition to representation of an agency or group. Each member is responsible for linking the committee to their particular resources (other committees, organizations, individuals who are knowledgeable in this area. This is the same model Community Action Teams (CATs) use around the province.
The Harm Reduction Working Group’s structure is rooted in the spirit of anarchism and
mutual-aid. There is no leader, no hierarchy, and all members share tasks and
responsibilities equitably based on their unique abilities and positionality.
We operate with the understanding that when you come to the working group, you come as peer. Because we are all peers, regardless of our profession. We are all people
with lived and living experience with substance use and we are all connected as
one with a shared goal to prevent further loss of life.